Tuesday, January 31, 2012

God's Blessings

Today I spent a lot of time in reflection over the last 7 years since it was my daughters birthday and she turned seven.  So much has happened in those years.  It got me to thinking, how much of all that has happened have I stopped to thank God for?  How many times have I really said "Thank you God"?  Oh yes of course we pray before meals and at bedtime,etc, but we're to pray without ceasing.  I do a lot of praying, but today I was really thinking about how many thankful prayers have I sent to God over the years.  I'm sure whatever the number it's only a small fraction of what it should be.  So I'm going to list a few thankfuls here.

God has blessed me abundantly.  Today here are a few of the blessings I saw and thanked God for.  I am going to consciously try to remember to thank God throughout my days for all the blessings He pours forth on us.  What about you?  What blessings has God given you lately?  Even when everything seems dark around us, there is a blessing waiting to be found.

My ornery curious baby girl who knows no fear.

The sweet smiles and squeals of joy of babies swinging.

Children at play.

A girl so full of life that God has given me the privilige of mothering.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Our first birthday of the new year was today!  Our oldest Bridgett Colene turned 7 today!  She was very excited for it to be her birthday and was ready to be the center of attention. All in all today was a wonderful day.

We watched a Barbie movie, did lots of playing outside.  Mommy made 3 different types of cupcakes(vanilla, chocolate, and triple chocolate)!  Oh and did I mention we played outside in the nice almost 70 degree weather!

Finally brought the kids inside for supper which was hamburgers and italian sausages with baked beans, salad, and cupcakes for dessert!  After supper it was into jammies and get ready for bed.  Right before bed it was open up the presents time.  Bridgett loves Tinkerbell so all three of her gifts had something to do with TInkerbell!
Bridgett with her new Tinkerbell doll, hat, and sunglasses.  Quite the fashion statement.  Oh and wearing her Tinkerbell pajamas that she got for Christmas.

And this is what you don't see in this picture right on her right side.  . . . A very tired baby girl who just wanted to help.

New Keurig Giveaway

Here's a new Keurig Giveaway.  For the Love of Joe is sponsored by several blogs and is open for 7 days.  It opened early this morning.  Make sure to go and get your entries in.

I am not associated with any of the blogs doing this giveaway and will not be consulted in picking the winner(otherwise I'd pick me!)  See my full disclosure here.

Busy Weekend

My weekend was very busy around here.  Had a set of twin goat kids born Friday evening.  They seemed to be doing well that night.  Had to get up a couple times during the night to go out and feed them as their mommy goat has mastitis and isn't able to fully feed them.  Saturday morning when I went to check them the boy kid was no where to be found.  Our vet was here to look at Big Mama(mommy goat) with her mastitis so he helped me look.  After we had stopped looking for our little guy the vet saw a black feed bucket move.  We moved the bucket and low and behold there was the baby goat all curled up under the feed bucket.  I wish I had had a camera out there with me as this was one of the funniest cutest things I had ever seen!

Saturday went well though busy for me.  My husband had an all day conference in Kansas City so I was home alone with the kids and two baby goats who needed fed every few hours.  I am very glad that I breastfed my kids, I don't think I could handle getting up every few hours during the night to bottle feed.  Anyway, I had to load up all 8 of the human kids in the afternoon and take them with me to pick up my Azure coop order(more information about Azure coming in a different post).  Love my Azure produce and yogurt!!  This time we got raw organic carrots, apples, and red russet potatoes.  We also got raw organic cheddar cheese in a 5 pound brick and some yummy rice chips, tea tree oil, and a few other odds and ends.  The kids did fairly well for me while they waited in the van as I loaded all my goodies.  Well except for the two boys who decided to honk the horn. . . .

Home brought unloading and getting the kids in the house.  We decided a treat was in order for being such good little monkeys in the van so we had some sherbert.  It was delicious!  Kids and I settled in to read books for a while and then they watched a movie while we waited for daddy to get home.

When I checked my goat kids Saturday night I found another goat starting into labor and one of my kids was a bit unresponsive.  Brought her into the house to try to warm her up and get her going.  She improved a little but we lost her over night.  I had to bring her brother in around 3 in the morning as he was getting to be the same as her.

We lost the female doe kid but the buck is doing great now and he's going to go back outside today.  We have had him in our basement by the wood stove to keep him nice and warm.  My husband last year this time set up a heater in our cellar and that has become our animal nursery!

Sunday brought my doe still being in labor(poor girl still hasn't kidded yet).  I also had a Scentsy Open House here.  I am a Scentsy consultant and you can find my Website Here.  Keep a look out for some awesome changes coming in a few days!

Anyway that was my weekend.  Lots of fun and very busy around here as normal!

Friday, January 27, 2012


I'm on a rearranging kick this week.  Probably not the best time to be doing this as over half the kids are sick, the baby is a clingy mess who has decided she does not want to work on weaning these days.  But nevertheless I am rearranging my living room. 

Our living room is the largest room in our house(which is sad because it's not really that big).  It is a rectangular shape so we have left the floor open and put our furniture around the outside of the room.  One wall used to have bookshelves that held the kids books, movies, and some "big people" books.  I decided that I wanted to move those shelves off the wall so I could push the chairs that were sitting in front of them back to the wall.  So two of the shelves have gone to our extra room(used mainly for storage) downstairs and the last bookshelf is going to go at the end of the hallway that leads to our bedrooms.  I'm hoping this will work out well.  I'll take pictures to show when I'm done with this.

The big question is whether I can get this big rearranging fest done by Sunday or not?!  I'm having a Scentsy open house on Sunday and really would like for my house to be somewhat clean, lol.  My house is never spotless.  I have too many people and too many animals in the house for that. 

Tomorrow should be interesting though.  My husband has an all day conference to go to.  I have my Azure coop to go and pick our food up from, which means all 8 little ones go with me.  And then back home to bake goodies for the open house and finish cleaning/rearranging. 

Does anyone else like to do a periodic rearrange in your house?  The living room is really the only room I can switch up and I do it rather often. . . .

Two Giveaways

I just ran across these two giveaways and entered so thought I'd share.

#1:  This one is for a Starbucks gift card but only open until 11 cst.  Go Here to Enter.

#2:  Is for a $50 Amazon gift card and a $100 gift basket from 316 Traditional Remedies All Natural Body Care.  I love oils and herbs and these bath oils sounds awesome!  I would love to try the relaxing bath oil personally.  Go Here to Enter.

I am not affiliated with these giveaways am just merely sharing them with you all and hoping to win myself or that someone I've shared with has the good luck to win!  Enjoy!  And make sure to let me know if you win!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mommy Time!

I got to have some alone by myself with no little ones. . . at all time today.  It was SO nice.  I don't get this very often, as most of the time I take one or two of the kids with me.  I had a buying club drop today and had to go pick up my yummy organic gluten free flours!  I also did some grocery shopping for the month and gave myself a treat. . . . I went to JoAnn's to look at some new patterns and try to find some yarn. 

First let me say I am going to be doing a post to let you know what UNFI is and how you can become a part of you local drop.  I am also a member of a buying club called Azure Standard which I have a drop off for on Saturday so I will probably do informational reviews on both of them on that day and let you know what I normally order through these guys to help save my family money!

Now on to my great day.  Well, it didn't start out so great.  My baby is teething which makes her very cranky and not want to sleep.  She did not want to go to sleep last night so I had a late night.  Did not want to get up this morning but the kids insisted that they needed breakfast.  Second youngest had a hissy fit at breakfast because she thought I gave her a different cereal than the other kids(I didn't, but couldn't convince her) so she ended up spending time crying and didn't eat her breakfast.  Everyone finally got done eating and got dressed so I was able to bundle them up and out into the van!  This takes a bit since all 8 are still in booster seats or carseats.

Off we went to the babysitters who also happens to be my Mom.  Got the kids all unloaded and into her house with their stuff for lunch(it was 10am by this time, lol).  I sent them with some homemade gluten free bread, peanut butter, and honey for sandwiches; cheese sticks; apples; carrots; baked chips; and homemade tapioca puddin(another recipe to watch for!). 

Now here comes the fun part of my day!  I went to start my van and it went . . . . . .and then click click.  Yeap, battery was shot.  Just like that.  So called the local tire shop who also sells batteries.  They came and jumpstarted me and I went over and had them put a new battery in.  Those are a little more expensive than I remember. :( 

So, I was finally off on my childfree adventure!  Listening to grown up music(country) and driving 45 minutes to the nearest "big" city. 

JoAnn's was a bit of a dissapointment to me.  They had some nice 100% wool yarn that I looked at, but no patterns that were what I was looking for(cute little girl poncho and a cardigan type sweater for myself).  So, I decided to try another crafty store that is new to town, Michael's.  They had the same yarn(yeah!) and also had a pattern that would work!  So happy.  I went to pay for my purchase and asked if they did the discount program for teachers(JoAnn's gives teachers 15% off their entire purchase).  They said they did but you had to have something certifying that you're a teacher.  So, we chatted because I'm not a certified teacher but I am a homeschool teacher and decided since JoAnn's will honor that fact and give me the discount that Michael's would as long as I could show them my JoAnn's discount teacher card!  So I scored 15% off my yarn and pattern!  Yeap it was a GREAT day!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Garlic Chicken Spaghetti

My family loves spaghetti, but I get tired of a meat and marinara sauce.  So, I decided to change it up about a year ago and this is what I came up with.  I'm sure someone sometime has done something like this, but we really like it and I can promise I never had spaghetti like this before!

You will need:
2 packages of spaghetti(I used quinoa spaghetti)
2 lbs chicken breast, cubed
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
olive oil
2 cans of Alfredo sauce(I make my own so that it is dairy free-recipe coming soon!)

Saute the onion, garlic, and chicken in a medium skillet in olive oil(just enough to coat the bottom of the pan).
Meanwhile cook the spaghetti in stock pan.  Once the spaghetti is done drain and return to pan.  The chicken mixture should be done by now, so pour it onto the spaghetti as well as the Alfredo sauce.
Now stir until the sauce warms up.  Serve topped with parmesan cheese!  Enjoy!  It is really yummy.  My kids all love it and nobody has found an onion to complain so shh don't tell them!

Deviled Eggs

We always have tons of eggs around here because we have our own chickens.  I love farm fresh eggs.  One of the things we love to do with eggs is make deviled eggs.  My kids all love them and will eat a whole batch at one meal.  To tell you what  a batch is I boil up 2 dozen eggs per time!!

So here you go:

wash eggs and refrigerate for at least 12 hours
boil water until at a rolling boil
drop eggs carefully into the water
let water reboil and boil the eggs for at least half an hour
pour water and eggs into colander to strain
fill pan up with cold water and submerge the eggs
redrain the eggs and place them in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours(this helps them set and they will peel easier)
peel eggs
cut eggs in half lengthwise and remove the yolks carefully
I use a potato masher to mash up the egg yolks, then I add miracle whip, parmesan cheese, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper, and sometimes a hint of pickle relish.  Stir this all together until well blended.
Now using a spoon place the yolk mixture back into the eggs and refrigerate or serve!  You will have extra yolk mix and we love to eat it on crackers(gluten free of course-favorite is crunchmaster).

Yummy yummy in your tummy!  Enjoy!

Buckwheat Flapjacks

This recipe I got from McCall's Homebaked Breads cookbook circa 1965.  I love this recipe and it is very versatile.  You can switch around the flours to whatever you want.  I suggest if you do not like buckwheat flour or if you've never had it before that you use less buckwheat and more gluten free flour mix.  My kids call these chocolate pancakes. . . and we sometimes add blueberries or on the rare occasion chocolate chips!

Old-fashioned flapjacks
1/2 cup all purpose gluten free flour blend
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons granulated sugar(I use demarara)
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 Tb melted butter(can omit and not hurt the flapjacks)

In large bowl whisk the eggs until light and fluffy(about 2 minutes)---start griddle or skillet heating at this point.

Into the eggs, sift the flour, baking powder, salt, and granulated sugar.  Add brown sugar; beat until smooth.

Stir in buttermilk and butter just until combined; do not overbeat!

Use 1/4 cup of batter for each flapjack.  Cook until bubbles form on surface and edges become dry.  Flip and cook until underside is nicely browned as well.

Serve with pure maple syrup for a yummy treat.

I should add that I always multiply this by 4 for my family!  We love these pancakes.  You can use 1 cup all purpose flour blend instead of the 1/2 and 1/2 or sub in another flour type of your choice.  Enjoy.

Truly Grateful

A friend of mine posted this picture on facebook today and it made me think.  What if we were always truly grateful for what God has given us?  We're not always grateful.  I'm not always grateful. 

Today I am home with sick children.  I have 5 kids with upper respiratory infections, three of which can harldy talk they're that hoarse and one little baby who's cutting teeth. . . four teeth at once to be exact.  I'm a bit non-grateful today.  So I decided to think about all the things to be grateful for.  I have quite the list.

To name a few things I'm grateful for: 
      -the fact that I have 8 kids and that I'm able to care for them all and even though they're sick they
            still know that mommy is here and they still expect mommy to make them all better with
            hugs and kisses
      -the fact that we have a house and that our house is warm(VERY warm--oops I forgot and put
            two pieces of locust on the fire)
      -the fact that my husband has a full time job and that he is willing to go the extra mile to make
            sure we have money for the bills and food on  our table
      -I am very grateful for my animals and  the fact that soon I will have fresh goats milk to give my
            children to drink
      -but most importantly I am grateful that God is always there for me, even when I'm ungrateful
            and in a sourpuss mood

Once I got started on things I'm grateful for I had a really long list.  I only posted a few on here.  What things are you grateful for?  Are you grateful for waking up every morning?  Are you grateful for the food and shelter that most take for granted?  Are you grateful for the little things?  Sometimes we forget just how lucky we are and how truly wonderful our lives are.  We need to stop comparing ourselves to others and be grateful for what we have and what a "GREAT" God we have!!!


I was too tired last night to post a blurb about my day.  I have 8 kids as you should know by now. . . well 5 of those 8 have upper respiratory infections and the baby is cutting 4 teeth at once.  Yeap it was one of those days that you wish you could just stay in bed.  But we plugged away and did school anyway.  I ended up taking one of the babies to the Dr to get a dose so I would know how much medicine I could give her.

By the end of the day I was tired and a bit cranky.  I made a yummy chicken and spaghetti supper and was trying to get kids ready for bed when I just had to laugh and remember why I love being a mommy so much.  See picture and know what I'm talking about.
Little Miss Fionna climbed into the basket of the folded up stroller and was kicking her feet to get it to bounce.  Of course as you can see she also had kidnapped Colin's Woody doll again.  Thinking I need to get her the talking Jessie for her birthday!  This little girl is a constant ray of sunshine in  my world!  So glad that God gave her to us even if she is the orneriest of all the kids!

Giveaway for Gluten Free Treats!

Keeley McGuire is having a great giveaway for some gluten free products!  They are also free of several other allergens.  Make sure to go and enter to win.

I am not affiliated with this blog nor responsible for picking the winner.  I am merely another person who entered and is sharing to get the word out!

Crockpot Apple Pie Filling

I really love my crockpot.  Have I mentioned that before?  Maybe that's why I have three of them!  Anyway now onto how to make apple pie filling. 
I quarter my apples and remove the seeds.  I then cut each quarter into four or five slices. 
Place these into your crockpot.  Fill that pot to the brim with apples. 
Now add 2 cups of apple cider and a blend of spices-cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cardamon, allspice, and a small pinch of ginger.  
Put crockpot on low and cook until apples are tender. 
Add one cup of tapioca pearls and 2 cups of tapioca starch.  Stir well and allow to simmer on low or warm until mixture is thickened.
You can now use, can, or freeze the mixture.  Stay tuned as I make mini apple pies with mine!


I am going to be doing some personal reviews soon.  These reviews will be of my own opinion and I am not being compensated for them, and in the most part the manufacturers/companies do not know that I am doing reviews as they have not asked that of me.  I will always specify if I am being compensated or receiving any product for free.

That being said, be on the look out for a review on the Scentsy warmer and scent of the month every month.  I am a Scentsy consultant, but I do NOT receive the products for free.  I do however normally receive the scent of the month due to my subscriptions which I pay for.  So, I will review how I feel they smell and whether I highly recommend them or not.  January will be coming this week and then I will do February(yeap I've already got it!). 

As I have mentioned before I am a member of a few buying clubs or coops.  These are UNFI(United) and Azure Standard.  I also am able to buy from Frontier through my UNFI coop.  I will be doing reviews on these as well as letting you know what I purchase from them.  Once again they are not compensating me.  I spend my own money to buy the products I like and go pick them up.  I just want to share with you my journeys in feeding my family healthy, organic whole foods.

Keurig Giveaway

Mom Does Reviews has teamed up with several other blogs to offer up a Keurig for free to one lucky winner!  It will end on February 1st so make sure and get over there to enter today!  Go Here to Enter!

Make sure to check out my Disclosure and know that I am not involved in this giveaway or affiliated with the blogs that are, I am merely passing on the love.

Camera Giveaway!!

Who wants to try to win a camera?  Better yet it's a digital camera and you get a choice between a Canon and a Nikon!  For more information visit the giveaway Here! 

It's a Nikon D700 or a Canon 5D MKII with an 85mm lens. 

Giveaway ends February 19 and the winner will be notified on the 21st.  A second prize is also offered of a $100 Amazon shopping card! 

Hurry and get your entry in today!

Make sure to read my disclosure, I am not affiliated with this giveaway mearly passing it on.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Deer Roast-Meal 2-Stew

Ok, so like I said I love to get more than one meal out of my food.  So the deer roast and veggies that we ate on Saturday became Sunday's after church crockpot dinner.  It is super easy to do.

After you eat your first meal cut up the meat, potatoes, and carrots into small bite size pieces.  Save the remaining broth/juices from the pan in a bowl to use in the soup.  It really helps with the flavor and nutrients! 

Sunday morning I woke up and while I was making breakfast I was also making dinner.  Place all the cut up meat, potatoes, and carrots into a crock pot with the broth that you saved.   Cut up an onion and add that.  I also cut up a full stalk of celery and add that.  Next I add some seasonings-thyme, basil, and oregano.  You may need to add some water to help fill it out and keep it all from drying out.  Set on low and let it simmer away while you enjoy your morning.  Eat and enjoy with little fuss.

When you are done with the stew simply put all leftovers into the refrigerator and you'll have another meal plan for tomorrow- roast pot pie!


This policy is valid from 24 January 2012

 This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact  Erin Slocum slocum@centurylink.net.

 This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.

The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All reviews and opinions are those of this owner(s) and should be known as such.  All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.

 The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.  If this blog ever does contain content that might become a conflict of interest it will be identified so that all are aware of it.

To get your own policy, go to http://www.disclosurepolicy.org

Apple Butter in the crockpot

I love apple butter, but hating taking a lot of time to make it.  So I converted my grandmum's apple butter recipe into a crockpot recipe.

First, get a bunch of apples(I used around 10 pounds), peel and core them.  Then chop them up into small pieces.  Place them in the crock pot until it is full.  I then always add 2 cups of apple cider(really helps the flavor) and my spice blend of nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, small dash of ginger, allspice, and cardamon.  Stir these into the apple pieces and put the lid on.
Forgive the horrible picture.

I let this cook down until the apples are all mush. . . then I cook it some more.  I cook mine until it is a really dark amber color and almost all the moisture(juice) is gone.  Then it is ready to put in jars or eat!  Very simple very easy and very  yummy!  Picture of the apple butter in jars coming tomorrow!

Deer Roast with Potatoes and Carrots--meal 1

I love to cook up a big ol' roast.  You can easily get three meals out of a roast.  Here is how.

First:  Find a large roast.  I used a deer roast that was approximately 10 pounds.

Second:  Get some potatoes. I used a 5 lb bag of potatoes, yukon gold.  I cut off any bad spots and eyes
                but left the skin on the potatoes.

Third:  Get some carrots. I normally use whole carrots and just cut off the tops and tails, but I didn't
             have any of those in the house so I used a 2 pound bag of baby carrots. 

Now, since I use such a big roast and so many veggies, my roasts won't fit in a crock pot anymore.  I love to do roasts in the crock pot, but not when I'm planning many meals from one.  So I have a big roaster pan that goes in my oven.  I place the roast in the center and spread the carrots and potatoes around it.  Now here's the secret for deer.  Get some italian salad dressing/marinade and pour a bunch of it on that deer roast.  If I buy from the store I get the largest bottle and use it all!  I also have a really good recipe for a homemade italian that I will post later.  Cover the pan and place in the oven.

I put my roast in the oven at 7 in the morning and took it out at 1pm to eat lunch.  A roast this size needs a goodly amount of time to cook.  If it's not done you can take the veggies out and cut the roast up some to get it to finish cooking a bit faster.  I did not remember to take pictures of the raw food or even the food in the pan but I did get pictures of it out on my table looking delicious!
The deer roast!
Yummy potatoes!
And the carrots!

The italian went really well with the vegetables as well.  I loved the taste of it.  Kids all loved it so will definitely be using it again.  I sometimes use a wine marinade on my lamb to help with the taste if it's an old sheep. . . thinking this might work for buck deer as well, may have to try that sometime too.  Enjoy!

Meal #2

Monday, January 23, 2012

My gluten free flour blend

So I really hate buying prepackaged stuff.  I really like to mix and match everything by hand.  Yeap I'm old fashioned and I love it!  I've always loved to bake and cook and since going gluten free that has opened up a whole new window of experiments to me.

Right now I have perfected a really good flour blend that I am still working on, but right now it is working really well for me.  So anytime I reference using a flour blend this is what I'm talking about.

For one batch I mix:
3 cups brown rice flour
1 cup amaranth flour
1 cup millet flour
1 cup teff flour

That's it!  Pretty simple and packed with yummy good for you whole grains.  I'm working on adding quinoa flour into this.  I also normally add flax meal into all recipes, but don't mix it into my flour blend.  I have other flours as well and I'm still playing around, but so far this blend has worked the best for me.  Let me know if you use it and how things come out.

Verse of the Day

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” James 1:5 KJV

This was my verse of the day today.  Just read it. . . . . now reread it. . . now process and think about it. 

To me this verse says, if you don't know what to do, if you have questions, if things aren't going the way you planned, ask God.  That's it, just ask God.  If we don't know which way to turn, if we don't know where our path in life is taking us or what our next move should be, we should ask God.

God doesn't care if our question is "stupid"--disclosure I believe there are no stupid questions--sometimes we need to answer our own questions, but they're not stupid.  God doesn't care if we've made 100 wrong decisions and tried everything else before asking Him, He's waiting for us to ask Him.  God knows when we need His help, all we have to do is ask.

Maybe others would focus on the "lack wisdom" part of this verse, but that doesn't speak to me as much as the part where we should ask God.  In everything we should ask God.  We should be constantly praying and seeking God's will and God's advice.  How many times do we look to our friends to see what they think we should do about something?  How many times do we try to see what our selfish self wants over what God would have us do?

Now lets move on to the second half of the verse.  God gives to us His answers and His help at no cost to us.  We don't have to sit through a lecture of how "I've told you a hundred times. . . " or "didn't I tell you. . . " or listen to the "I was right. . . " speech.  No, God isn't like that.  God says come and let Me help you.  I want to give to you, if you will only let Me.  I want to take all your problems and GIVE to you. 

God only wants to give to us.  He only wants to help us.  He only wants to be there for us when we need Him. 

I needed this verse.  Things are topsy turvy in my life these days and I needed to be reminded to take it to God.  To hand my life and my problems over to God.  To ask God for help and then sit and listen while He pours forth liberally on me not rebuking me for not coming sooner.  This is why He is our loving God.  I for one am glad of this.

What about you?  What does this verse say to you?  How can this verse help you in your life?

Busy Days

I have several recipes to add from this past weekend and all kinds of things to share, but it has been so busy around here I really haven't had much time!  That's a good thing, I think.  So much happened over the weekend I can't put it all in here, but I will probably put some short blurbs on things in with the recipes I post tomorrow.  I like to make something that I can make more than one meal out of, so I'll show you how I made one meal into three in a bit.

But this post isn't about cooking.  This is my ramblings for how fun and enjoyable our weekend was. . . . for the most part.  Saturday was a typical morning.  Kids woke us up a bit before 6am(my kids believe sleeping in is against the rules I think).  Got up and made some buckwheat pancakes(my kids call these chocolate pancakes though because of how they look) for breakfast.  My husband left to do some jobs and I started on my Saturday cleaning/laundry/major cooking spree!  I started apples for apple butter and put a big Deer Roast with potatoes and carrots in the oven.  Then came the massive amounts of laundry.  I don't mind washing, drying(love my clothesline), and bringing in the clothes.  I don't even mind the folding part, but I don't like putting the clothes away.  All those drawers and getting stuff to fit right(between the 8 kids we have 5 dressers). . . . just to have the kids rummage around and get half of it on the floor the next morning.  My rule is I will fold it and put it away the FIRST time, but after that it's their responsibility.  The older girls are quickly learning to be more careful picking out their clothes.

Anyway, over the weekend I started in on a different room in the house.  I'm on a cleaning bent these days to declutter and organize our house.  With this many people living in our house we have to keep stuff simple or we get over run.  I'm working on getting rid of things we don't need or use.  It's a slow process but I'm making steady progress.  Over the weekend I went through the kids books, kids movies, and grown-up movies.  Today I went through our cd's.  I WILL finish this goal.  I'm vearing off topic here so more on  my New Year's Goals later.

Sunday led us to Sunday School and church.  Had a great time fellowshipping.  Our church has reformed their praise band and the kids all love hearing the music played.  Sean is probably going to be joining up with them soon and playing his guitar.  He was asking me if he got someone to help me with the kids if he could.  I just giggled at him and reminded him I take the kids to church by myself when he's gone, that I thought I could handle them alone for the music service.  I don't think he saw the humor as much as I did.

Home from church and enjoyed our deer roast stew(made from the leftovers from our lunch the day before).  Love having that ready and waiting when you walk in the door.  The apple butter was still in the crock and almost done so smelled wonderful.  Apple butter brings back wonderful memories for me of my childhood with my grandmum.  Will have a whole post on her when I make her Yorkshire pudding next weekend.

After church the kids went outside to play while I got the babies down for naps.  Then Sean and I went out and planned where my garden is going and where we'll be planting things this year.  I love gardening and growing things.  I am hoping to have time to order my seeds tomorrow and then I'll give you a run down of what we'll be planting.

When the babies woke up we went in to start our Sunday movie.  We were ready to start the beginning of the Kent Hovind Creation Series.  Put the first disk in and were partway through the first session when Colin announced the horses were out!  So, out run Mommy and Daddy to chase horses with Bridgett in charge.  Several miles of running later the horses are all safely put away and our neighbors and even more not happy with us. . . .at least all horses, dogs, and people were unhurt!

By this time it was getting dark and time for supper.  We enjoyed peanut butter, honey, and banana sandwiches, plus left over deviled eggs from Saturday.  The kids were bottomless pits so they also each had an entire large orange as well as two sandwiches. . . .   I'm not looking forward to the teenage years.

Today started off with our alarm not working and us oversleeping.  We were supposed to be up at 5am as normal but woke up at 6 instead.  Rushed to get Sean off to work.  Kids had breakfast, got dressed, started some school.  We're ahead in our regular books so I'm introducing some unit studies totally made up by myself!  Yeap this is gonna get interesting.  We're working on the 10 commandments now and will be posting some stuff on that so I can get some feedback and ideas.

Today the hall closet in the living room(wierd place for a hall closet where there is no hall) got cleaned out and the cd's gone through.  I cleaned off some shelves on our entertainment center to move some stuff around.  Once I get done with my cleaning rearranging I'll give everyone  a tour of our house!

I currently have some apple pie filling in the crockpot and we had some baked apples with our supper of brown rice pancakes, fried eggs, and sausage patties.  Kids went to bed a bit late and are all finally asleep.  Even the dogs and cat are peaceful.  Dogs are on their beds(aka one on our bed and one on the floor in the hallway where he can protect all) and the cat is laying on the living room floor daring any of the dogs to cross her path.  All is well in the Slocum house tonight.

Friday, January 20, 2012

My Day

Today was a fun day for us around here, well fun for the most part.  Kids got up early as per normal(they seem to think they must be up by 6am).  We had breakfast and started in on our school.  For those who don't know I homeschool my tribe of monkeys(oops I mean my wonderful children)!  So there I am working on teaching and I start hearing my youngest boys Woody doll talking.  I know Colin isn't playing with it as he's sitting her by me working on tracing shapes.  I glance in the corner and this is what I see!
Yeap that would be my baby.  She took everybody's coats off their hooks, made a nice bed and laid down to play with brother's Woody.  She loves that pull string doll!

After school we had lunch and I started to get ready to take my oldest boy to the doctor for an ear ache.  I hear a noise in the bathroom and go to check it out.  Seems my youngest son decided he needed to clean the bathroom floor, toilet, and counters with Windex.  He also thought baby sister might need some as hair gel. . . . So as I'm cleaning up this mess I look up to see my little brother in the bathroom doorway.  This may not strike you as odd, but I have a huge German Shepherd guard dog who normally barks like he's going to tear you limb from limb when you so much as pull into our drive.  Not a peep out of him. . . . .

So for the next two hours my gets become super hyper and bouncy playing with their uncle.  Take Patrick to the Dr to find he has swimmers ear in one ear.  Really?  Who gets swimmers ear in the middle of winter?  This is the kid who washes his hair in such a way that no water ever goes into his ears.  So now ear drops for that one.

Leftovers for supper.  We had the leftover Kielbasa Casserole with leftover Crockpot Baked Apples.  The apples are just as good cold as they are warm. 

During supper Daddy reads to the kids.  We are working our way through The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis currently.  Tonight we are in the book of The Magician's Nephew and are reading about how the lion Aslan creates Narnia through song.  Our oldest Bridgett explained to us without being asked how Aslan is like God because of the creation.  She did a great job of comparing and contrasting the two but was a bit upset that C.S. Lewis took liberties and had the lion sing instead of speak.  It was very cute to hear her but also awe inspiring.  As it is said "out of the mouths of babes" and that "we should be like children".  Children understand more than we give them credit for.

And now the last funny for the day.  As we are supervising and trying to get all 8 of the little monsters into bed(I call them this lovingly of course), my husband comes around the corner for a good laugh.  Being the mommy that I am I grab the camera and go around the corner to see what is going on.  I find my youngest son wearing his sisters tights over the top of his jeans.  I did take a few pictures but they don't seem to want to load so will share those later.  He really was quite proud of himself, lol.  Very cute and I know why Daddy had to go hide to laugh.

My kids are my joy.  I love every minute of them.  Sometimes they frustrate me.  That's normal and a part of them growing up.  They show me daily what love is and how to give without holding back. 

HEAT up Your Valentine's Day!

Cute-ecakes is hosting a great giveaway currently for a Kindle Fire!  To enter simply go to this link and enter through the rafflecopter.  All entries are optional and there are only two pages per facebook and two for twitter that you are even asked to add!  Here's hoping one of us is lucky enough to win!

XBOX 360 giveaway

The Coupon Centsation is hosting a giveaway for  a free XBOX 360!  Go HERE to get entered in this awesome giveaway.  The giveaway will be open for 10 days and the winner will randomly be picked and notified by email on the 30th of January. 

30 Days of Diapers Giveaway

Do you cloth diaper?  I do and love it.  I came across a giveaway today for all you cloth diapering mommies. 30 days of Dipes is going on through the whole month of January giving away different cloth diapers or cloth diapering helps.  A new giveaway each day!  You can still enter into previous ones that aren't closed yet as well.  Day 1-7 are closed but day 8 and on are still open for entry.  What cloth diapering mommy can't use an extra diaper or two!  And it's great for trying those brands you didn't want to spend that much money on!

Parental Rights

I read an article today that left me speechless. . . for a few minutes.  Then I was filled with outrage because that woman could have been me.  The article in reference is this one from health impact news.  It talks about how a woman went to see a new pediatrician for her 2-1/2 year old son.  The pediatrician basically after finding out she didn't vaccinate tried to convince her she should, she refused.  He then tried to get her to sign a waver stating she knew that by not vaccinating she was making it possible for her child to get this horrible disease. . . you get the idea.  Appointment ends, woman goes on vacation for the weekend and comes home to notes on her door from the State Patrol.  Long story short the pediatrician had called the Troopers on her stating she had acted suspicious and refused to show her identification.  The Dr had also turned her into the  Children and Youth Services. 

WOW!  Really.  Ok for one it is not illegal to not vaccinate your children.  You have the right to refuse for them to be vaccinated.  You always have.  It's just easier for everyone if you do.  Schools ask for immunization records and will try to tell you that your child has to have so many vaccinations to come to school.  But you can tell them that you don't believe in vaccinating and they still have to let your child go to school there.  There are actually certain religions that don't believe in vaccinations.

I personally, do not vaccinate my children.  I have had all necessary vaccines throughout my life and some that I didn't really think were necessary but had them anyway to work where I wanted.  The point is this is just horrible that this woman had to go through that.  How mortified I would be if a trooper came to my door and said that I had been turned in for something related to not vaccinating my kids. .. . and angry.   I am very lucky in that our pediatrician knows that I don't want to vaccinate.  He knows that I'm an RN, BSN and he trusts my judgement when it comes to MY children.  They are after all the children of my husband and myself, not the children of the state or the government. 

But that is just my two cents worth.  I'm not saying everyone should stop vaccinating their children.  I am saying that it is a personal choice.  You should think long and hard about this choice for you and your children.   It is and should always remain your choice.

It's Here!

Sorry for the excitement, but my mail just came and I am so excited!  I told you that I had been asked to do a review of the book The Heirloom Life Gardener by Jere and Emilee Gettle, well it arrived in my mail today!  I am so going to be reading on this all weekend now.  In fact, I have to take my oldest son to a Dr appointment today to have his ears checked out(he says they're hurting him) which means I can take it with me and get a head start! 

This almost has me as excited as someone telling me they were going to let me have a day out by myself!  And to put that into perspective I seriously cannot remember the last time I got to go anywhere or do anything by myself.  I am serious here.  Even grocery shopping is done with one or all of my monkeys!  That is how extremely excited I am about this book and doing this review!!

Dermatitis Herpetiformis

Dermatitis Herpetiformis. . . . Do you know what this is?  I didn't until just before Thanksgiving when I went back to my Dr. . . again. . . for the millionth time(ok so maybe not that many but you get the idea) to try to find something that would relieve my eczema.  I've had really bad eczema since I was young, but it's gotten worse in the past few years.  I attributed it to moving and this house having different allergens than our other house.  But it turns out that the allergen wasn't in the house it was in me.

After talking to my Dr about my recent diet change and how it was making me feel better, have more energy, etc, he decided to take another look at my "eczema".  It was then that he said that maybe what we were looking at wasn't eczema but another kind of rash.  A rash that only occurs in people with Celiac.  This rash is called dermatitis herpetiformis. 

Dermatitis herpetiformis often occurs on the elbows, knees, buttocks, thighs, lower back, and back of the head.  It is always bilateral(on both sides of the body).  Mine has come out in different places over the years, but most recently I'm battling it on my elbows, hips, and thighs.  My son Colin seems to have a patch of it on his bottom.  This in itself is very uncommon as young children don't normally develop this rash.  This is a very itchy, uncomfortable rash.  Nothing really works for the itch though I have read that some Dr's have prescribed Dapsone to provide some relief.

I'm going to provide some links at the end of this post so if you want to look up dermatitis herpetiformis and learn more about it you can.  These are some of the ones that I used to learn about this condition.  There are pictures of it on these websites as well.  I did not feel like taking pictures of mine as they are itchy and painful and just look disgusting.

The diagnosis:  Celiac Disease.
The good news:  the rash will go away by following a gluten free diet
The bad news:  It can take from 6 months to a year for the rash to fully go away :(

Resource sites:
What is Dermatitis Herpetiformis?
PubMed Health article-Dermatitis Herpetiformis, Duhring's Disease
wikipedia on Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Medscape Article-very informative!
about.com-the gluten rash

Apple Ipad 2 and Amazon Kindle Fire Giveaway

Here's a giveaway for Amazon Kindle Fire or an Apple Ipad 2 sponsored by several blogs that I am sharing with you.  You can enter on the Rafflecopter below or go to   to enter to win.  Giveaway ends in 19 days.  Let them know I sent you and I could win a Kindle Fire if you win!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Gluten Freedom Does Another Giveaway!

Gluten Freedom is doing another giveaway!  This one is for Dreaded Wheat Designs.  Dreaded Wheat Designs is giving away one of their t-shirts to the winner.  Very simple to enter, just pick a favorite design from their etsy shop and enter your choice on Gluten Freedoms post.  For an extra entry you can tell why you are gluten free.   I really like their shopping tote.  Giveaway ends January 26th at midnight.

Flash Giveaway

The Adventures of My Family of 8 is hosting a flash giveaway for a very cute pillowcase, winners choice.  Just go here to enter into the giveaway.  You are offered several entries.  It's only open for 24 hours so don't wait too long to enter.  My favorite pillowcase is of a little girl on her horse.  I can think of several girls in this house who would like this one.

Chicken and Rice Casserole

A favorite of our family that we had tonight is chicken and rice casserole.  It's really easy to make too. 


rice(cooked first)
1 lb chicken(cut up into cubes around 1 inch by 1inch by 1 inch)
one garlic clove chopped up fine
one sweet onion chopped fine
olive oil
cream of mushroom soup
grated mozzarella cheese

Cook up your rice and place in a bowl. 
In a small skillet saute the chicken in some olive oil with garlic and onion. 

When this is cooked add it to the rice.  Pour cream of mushroom over the top. 
Stir all together and place in a 13 by 9 casserole dish. 

Top with as much cheese as you want.

 My family likes a lot of cheese!  Bake until the cheese is melted and starts to change to a golden color.  Enjoy.

Homemade French Fries

We love french fries in this house.  Sweet potato, red potato, yellow . . . you get the idea.  So I was very excited when someone gave me the french fry slicer plate for my Bosch Universal attachment slicer/shredder.  I love that thing!

You can peel the potatoes or do what I do.  Wash your potatoes, cut off any eyes or bad spots and then place them in the slicer.  If you don't have a slicer you can cut them up in strips or in slices for more of a steak fry.  I then place my fries in a large stainless steel bowl, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle on some of my Garlic and Herb Tones' Seasoning blend(MSG and salt free).  Toss those around to coat them all and place on a cookie sheet that has either been lined with aluminum foil(I'm not a fan of this) and/or sprayed with nonstick cooking oil(check to make sure it's gluten free).  Bake at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes turning halfway through.

Serve and enjoy!  My kids love these with our homemade chicken nuggets and a variety of other meals.  My husband and I prefer the sweet potatoe fries but the kids like the red potatoes the best.

Homemade chicken nuggets

These are super easy to make and very yummy.  I originally got the recipe from my sister-in-law over at Gluten Free For Jen.  We've made a few changes to it though.

Here's what you'll need:
      cookie sheet(we normally use 2)
      boneless skinless chicken breasts--we cut them up into cubes that are approximately 2inches by
      1-1/2 cups gluten free flour mix(can use bisquick or just a blend of flour--I use my flour mix which
            is made up of brown rice flour, amaranth, millet, and teff flours, to this I add 2 tsp baking soda
            and a pinch of sugar for this recipe.)
     1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
      2 Tb garlic herb seasoning(I use Tones brand and love it!  Buy it in the huge container at Sam's and
            use it on lots of things)
     4 eggs

Scramble up the eggs.  Mix the parmesan, herb seasoning and flour mixture all together.  Line cookie sheet with aluminum foil(optional--I don't use the foil) and spray with a nonstick cooking spray(make sure to check as not all are gluten free). Place the chickend pieces in the egg mixture, into the flour mixture-roll around to coat well.  You then can dip back into the eggs and recoat in the flour, but you don't have to .  My kids like it better with one coating of flour.  Place on the cookie sheet and bake at 450 degrees until done(12-14 minutes, turn once at 6 minutes to prevent overdoing one side).

Serve and enjoy!  We like to eat these with our homemade french fries, fresh fruit with yogurt and a nice lettuce salad. 

Kielbasa Casserole

An old time family favorite is kielbasa casserole.  Thankfully it was one that we didn't have to change much when we made our diet switch a few months ago.  It is very good and the kids all ask for seconds, plus it's easy to make!

Kielbasa Casserole

    rice(separate from casserole)
    frozen sweet peas
    frozen sweet corn
    cream of mushroom soup(recipe here)
    shredded cheddar or cojack cheese
cooked rice(I use brown rice--how much depends on your family size--I use 3 cups of uncooked rice)
    Since I use brown rice I have to boil the water, add the rice and then let it cook for 45-60 minutes.  While it is cooking I work on the other part of the casserole.

First take the kielbasa and cut it up so that you have bite size circles of meat.  Brown these in a skillet for a few minutes.  To this add the cream of mushroom soup, peas, and corn. 

Cover and simmer until the frozen veggies and tender and warmed throughout, stirring occassionally. 

Top with cheese and mushrooms and simmer until the cheese is melted. 

By now the rice should be done.  Place a spoonful of rice on plate and flatten out.  Ladle a spoonful of the kielbasa casserole over the rice and enjoy!

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Easy and gluten free

Not the best picture, but it gives you an idea of what you're doing!

     4 TB butter
     8 ounces mushrooms(fresh are best but can use canned)
     1 tsp salt
     1 medium sweet onion, chopped up
     1/4 cup gluten free flour, I use a blend of brown rice, amaranth, millet, and teff- but any all purpose
             gluten free flour blend will work
     1/4 tsp white pepper(I tend to omit this)
     2 cans(10-3/4 ounce each) chicken broth
     1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
     1 cup heavy cream(heavy whipping cream)
     can top with chopped parsley but I rarely do

Melt butter in large pan and saute mushrooms and onion until golden.  Sprinkle with salt, cook until onion is tender.  Add flour and cook stirring constantly until smooth(approximately 2 minutes).  Slowly add chicken broth while still continuing to stir.  Simmer stirring often until thickened.  Add nutmeg and pepper.  Season to taste.  Add heavy cream and bring to a simmer, do not boil.  Ladle out what you need for recipe and save the rest.  Freezes well.

$200 Target Giftcard Giveaway

Wouldn't it be great to wind $200 to spend?  Well you have a chance to do just that by going to Horizon Organics and signing up to be part of their community.  You then need to answer the question of why you buy/use Horizon Organics for your family.  Just an FYI but my kids love their chocolate milk and we all love their yogurt.

Kernel Season's Seasonings

Tag yourself in this album on the picture of your favorite Kernel Season's Seasoning to be entered to win in their giveaway.  Simply browse through the pictures and either tag yourself in the picture of the one you like best or comment under the picture.  They are giving away 17 Monster Popcorn Lovers Kits.  Winners will be chosen at 5pm CST tonight so hurry and get your entries in. 

My favorite of their seasonings is the parmesan garlic!  Great with some olive oil on some cooked veggies. 

$704 Giveaway!

Wouldn't it be great to win money!  I can think of several things that I could do with $704.  Go here to get entered to win!  Contest ends on the 31st.  3 new readers of the DailyWorth will win $704!!  Here's hoping it's one of us!  You can get extra entries by liking them on facebook and sharing the giveaway on facebook!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am beyond excited as I'm going to be doing a review soon.  I entered this giveaway that I blogged about.  Unfortunately, I did not win. . . . BUT I was contacted by Baker Creek and asked if I would like to receive their book and do a review on it!  Of course I accepted and can't wait to get my book so I can read it and then let you guys all know how GREAT it is.  Keep watching as this week end I will be adding my seed order to the blog to let you know what my garden will be containing.  I always order all my seeds from Baker Creek Seeds and absolutely love them!

Someday I hope to go visit their farm for myself!  They are located 45 miles ease of Springfield, MO. 

Crockpot Baked Apples

I love baked apples but hate using my oven for that long for a large casserole dish(for a family my size we need at least a 13 by9).  So I decided to convert my normal oven baked apples recipe to a crockpot recipe!

First you need to core and slice your apples.  I used a  juice grade apple that I had gotten on sale through Azure Standard.  Great organic produce for a fraction of the price in store and it's delivered to a location close to you.  Make sure to check and see if they have a drop near you.  We order many things from them so you'll be seeing their name often.

Ok so now our apples are cored and sliced.  Place them in your crockpot.  Once you have filled your crockpot with them, you top with your spices.  I like to use cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and cardamon(just a sprinkle).  I have no idea on the actual amounts of these spices or how many apples I used as I just guess and sprinkle on spices!  You also will want to add about 1/4-1/2 cup of apple cider to your crockpot to keep the apples from drying out.  I then drizzle honey over the top of the apples and spices and stir it all together.

Put the lid on and bake on low for around 4 hours.  Serve up with ice cream and enjoy!

Winners Posted for Giveaway

Winners have been posted for the first four giveaways over at Gluten Freedom!  Go Here to find out if you were one of the winners!  No luck for me yet but there are still more giveaways to come!

Are You Blessed?

Blessed is everyone that fears the Lord and follows after His ways. Psalm 128:1

Do we want to be blessed by God?  If yes then the answer is simple you follow Him, you fear Him.  Not a oh my He's going to destroy me kind of fear but the good fear. The He is all powerful and can do anything type of fear.  And then we follow his ways, we allow God to lead us.  We use the Bible as our guide to help us follow Him as He has set out in the Bible what we need to do and given us guidelines to live by.

My question to myself and to is this, are you blessed?  I know I am blessed.  All I have to do is look around me.  I see 8 healthy beautiful children.  I see a house with four walls and a roof that doesn't leak.  I see food on our table and animals in our pasture.  Animals that will provide us with meat(sheep to be butchered in about a month), milk(goats to kid anytime now), and chickens who give us eggs. 

I AM blessed.  God IS good. 
Even when my goats are naughty and escape their pen only to climb on my garage roof--
I AM BLESSED beyond measure.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Have you heard about the new bills that the government is wanting to pass to control/censor our internet experiences?  I hadn't until today(don't judge I don't have TV and don't listen to the radio, lol).  I saw some people talking about it on facebook and decided to look into it.  This definitely does not sound like something we want our government to do.

I found a fellow blogger who summed it up very well and you can read that post here.  This will affect all of us and our freedom of speech. 

A lot of sites will go "dark" from midnight tonight until noon tomorrow.  I don't know how to do that with this blog as I'm not technically minded, but I won't be posting during that time as my own little protest.  You can also contact your local representatives to voice your opinion by going to this site.

Going to this site will show you a way to make your website go black for the day.  It also shows  a list of some of the known participants.

Here is an small blurb by google as well as a petition.

There are also going to be protestors on the ground meeting and protesting to the congressmen and women.  Hopefully we can make an impact and this bill will NOT get passed.

GMO Bill

How do you feel about GMO's?  Do you even know what they are?  A GMO is a genetically modified organism.  So, basically its something that we, the humans, have messed with and manipulated it's DNA to make it bigger or better or more resilient, etc.  My concern is that we have no idea what these GMO's are going to do to us later on for ingesting them in our bodies.  I am not a fan of GMO's.  I am not a fan of genetically modifying anything.  I am not an expert on them at all, but I do have my own opinions about them.  I try my best to not buy anything that has been genetically modified or may contain GMO's.  To learn more about GMO's you can go here to Wikipedia. 

I recently came across a petition to petition our representatives to put across a Bill that would make it so that manufacturers had to label their foods containing GMO's.  My state sadly was not on the list for having already introduced such a bill.  There are 14 states on this list.  To view the list and send an email to your representatives go here.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Frugal Family Life Giveaway

The Frugal Family Life is having a Birthday Bash Giveaway from Pampered Chef!  Just go to her page to enter to win the $25 gift certificate.  Super easy.  Enter your name, email, share on facebook and visit the sponsors page to choose your must have pampered chef item.  I would love to get the pastry mat as I don't have one and think that it would make gluten free baking easier!  Let me know what your favorite product is and definitely let me know if you win!

Also for the Birthday Bash is a giveaway from Creative Memories!  Here is what is included in that winning packet
"She has been generous enough to donate a Premiere Coverset in pale pink, a set of white pages and protectors. For decorating, she included a Natural Expression paper and sticker kit, Laser cut ABC stickers, Done with One Celebrations kit, Neutral stickers, Pastel storybox, accordion organizer and tape runner. Finally, a $10 gift certificate redeemable on any $10 or more order! Total package is valued at over $90!! WOW!!"--taken from Frugal Family Life
Simple to enter, just enter your name, email, like on facebook and name your favorite product.  You'll find mine below!

The next item up for giveaway with this birthday bash is from Tupperware!  Up for giveaway is the Double Colander set.  Simply enter as before by going to the website choosing your favorite product and entering your name and email plus liking on facebook!  My favorite tupperware product that I'd love to have since most of my storage containers have been thrown away for contamination or were broken.