Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from my crew to yours!  Hope you're having a lovely Christmas.  I've been having lots of fun with my family today even though our youngest is still not feeling well.  Hoping she gets better soon.

Zyera loving on her new pony.

Fionna being cute!

Audry looking so big these days.

Our oldest.  With her cute dimples.  Can't believe she'll be 8 in a  month.

Poor sick  baby.

Colin looking at his new Bible intently.

Mariah digging deep into her stocking.

Lucas showing off his little Bible until his big one comes.

Patrick is very impressed with his new game. . . Battleship!

While we do Christmas, we do not do Santa.  Our focus on this day is on God and Jesus and the little baby born so many years ago.  We take all day to open our presents so we remember to be thankful for what we have and that getting isn't what it's all about.  This year each of the kids got books, a Bible of their very own, a toy or game, and a new pair of pajamas.  They also got their stockings stuffed full of goodies.  Stay tuned for more of a detailed run down of our Christmas traditions. . . .after the holidays of course!


  1. What a lovely family...hope you had a blessed Christmas! Following you from the GFC blog hop...thanks for co-hosting.

  2. great pictures, now following via GFC, Leyla - thisdayilove

  3. Having fun looking around your blog ! Following you :)


  4. Cute Blog! I'm a new follower
    , found you on a the GFC blog hop! hope to keep in touch <3 Christin
